Game Design portfolio

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Client:Gamefroot | Role: Designer and Teacher | Platforms: Web 


Since June of 2018 i have been contracting as a Designer and Educator for the wellington based games education company gamefroot. In this roll i have been involved in the following:

  • Design and Prototyping: Coming up with game mechanics that will be used to teach the desired Digi Tech learning out comes. Prototyping them with the gamefroot engine, then simplifying them down to be accessible for kids between the ages of 7 - 13.

  • Educating: Planning and running the gamefroot game dev clubs at primary and intermediate schools around New Zealand. This has also included guiding the direction of how the content is made and taught in schools.

About Gamefroot:

Sed quis dolor nibh. Duis sodales, nisl vel ornare volutpat, lacus lectus luctus erat, non viverra turpis lectus ut urna. Nam sed ipsum vitae sapien faucibus dictum placerat id nisl. Duis tristique commodo neque, quis pulvinar turpis accumsan a. Fusce quis augue ligula. Donec suscipit, metus ut sagittis lacinia, nisl est egestas dolor, ut consequat elit turpis vel elit. Vivamus ullamcorper, leo eu lacinia porttitor, justo lectus rhoncus felis, in efficitur tortor erat nec leo. Duis vel bibendum diam, vitae viverra purus. Nunc et pharetra eros. Proin sed neque quis ex fringilla fringilla vel id sem. In porttitor vestibulum sem in tincidunt. Quisque vitae quam ante. Mauris vel turpis maximus, luctus arcu at, dapibus tellus. Cras consequat elit id risus ultricies venenatis. Etiam nec nulla quis mauris pulvinar faucibus.